Slack X millon times
Slacking life consider good?
But with money of course.. Got A BIGBIG PROJECT to do arrr..
OMG temperary a secret...
everyday go out spend $$$$$$$ omg.. but ytd was happy, bought a nice black dress.
played mahjong, smoke like hell. lose $8..
Wa.. I think I like shopping more then last time.. I'm looking 4 clothes more often then be4..
yes, clothes as in nice onces, not t- shirt anymore.. I've got more then enough that i even throw away quite abit.. I wan a new look.. I'm not the old me anymore.. I need diet.. but it's easier said then done.. any help?
I wan a better life then be4.. a exciting one.. my career has been ok. with climates. now i need relation climate to eperience the difference in life.. N maybe a better meaning to live on?!?
Dun even noe what the hell I typing.. tmr going out again..
will blog up headline again!